If you request a return for an order placed before the 2/08/23 please click here.
You can return your order by requesting a return within 14 days from delivery by following these simple steps:
1. Request a Return Authorisation Number (RAN) by accessing the “Orders” section in your account. Find the order that contains the product or products that you would like to return and click on “Return product” and then follow the steps.
2. (EU countries) Fill out and sign the Return Proforma Invoice that was sent with your order. Place it inside the package together with the packaged items ready to be returned.
2. (non-EU countries) Fill out and sign the Return Proforma Invoice that was sent with your order.
Make 4 copies so that you have 5 invoices in total. Place one inside the package together with the packaged items ready to be returned. Give the other 4 to the courier when they pick up the return as they are required for customs clearance.
3.Attach the returns label to the outside of the package. It will have been sent together with your order.
4. Contact the courier within 15 days of creating the RAN to book the package collection, consulting the details in the “How to book a return” section.
Please remember that returned products must be shipped in the original package or, if damaged, in a package of equivalent size and strength. All products must be intact and must not have been used. Furthermore, the instructions for proceeding with the return must be followed correctly. The Furla Online Store will refund the return only if all these conditions are met. In no case can the return be made by the recipient of a gift. Returns of purchases made during sales, clearance sales or other promotions must be made within 14 days of the date of receipt. Customized products cannot be returned.